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Bicicletada Anti Fracking and unconventional!

Roll on as a Força Maior (Force Majeure)
Gas and oil ? Neither here! Not anywhere !

Viana do Castelo – Vila Real de Santo António, 13 June 2016

We seem to understand the value of oIl, Wood, minerals, and habitation, but we don't understand the value of raw beauty, of the wild life. From thousands of years the indigenous people of the world get up to defend themselves, defend the nature. We decide to make this journey to defend ourselves, defend the Oceans, aquifers and the soil against the exploration of Fossil energy's, that destroy everything on the way, leaving images of desert and sea, black of death. Let’s roll to share information, discuss ideas, unite strugglers, create colectiv information, create a web of action.  

The biggest oil leak ever, us form a Deep Offshore in the Atlantic, known as DeepWater Horizon oil spill, by British Petroleum (BP), in the gulf of Mèxico. The portuguese government announced that had made new oil concessions contracts, and that the exploration could start this year.

In Bombarral, Cadaval, Alenquer, Alcobaça, Aljezur, Tavira and Serra da Ossa, Extremoz the oil companies are studying the areas for shale gas, that need horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, known as fracking.
The latest news about fracking, was about explosions of trucks from fracking wells, of trains of gas in Canadá. Earthquakes  in Oklahoma and in Montiel (Albacete), in Califórnia one leak of natural gas is releasing since October more than 50.000 kg of methane for hour to the atmosfear, the equivalent of the pollution of  5 millions cows, more than 2000 people where rehoused.

The engineers can't control their greedy experiences  with the energy of the planet earth. As the tribes say: “If we took all your blood and bones inside us, how do we feel? The oil is the blood of the earth, the minerals the bones.”

We want to share and learn the knowledge of local people (indigena) of the population’s where we stop. Know the respectful energy of animals, plants, rivers and ecosystems (where we include ourselves) . Collect knowledge, energies and pass them to others, unite and create.   

We apele to ours fellow rebels of the world to unite against Fracking, one of several strikes of capitalism. Destroy all! Keep everthing. Let’s resist to this ecocide, that bring in him also genocide.

This Event depend of collaboration and Mutual Aid. Will be finance by the participant’s and by those who support us on the way! We don't Want money donations, we want participation!

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